It's a Dogs World

Even though I am known primarily as a singer songwriter musician/ tool girl/ photographer/video maker/wife/house manager/and mom of two, I am s BIG TIME Dog lover and animal advocate!
We rescued all of our dogs and have rescued other dogs in our neighborhood and elsewhere.
My first Rescue was when I was 15 years old and first living on my own. Yes,15, long story! Her name was Sundance and she was the star of our neighborhood. Even the local dog catcher couldn't catch her when she was out on adventures.
Ginny is my current rescue pup, and she and her sister Bree and brother Sully star in our Dog Videos. If you happen to have a puppy who needs a home, please contact me but don't tell my husband. He said recently after some wild puppy activities: "How many dogs do we have anyway?" My feeling is never enough! 🐶❤️

you gotta love your woofers!